Sunday, April 12, 2009

Baez Files Motion for Phone Records

Going out on a limb here BUT it can't be easy for Casey Anthony's defense team. Casey's attorney, Jose Baez appears to have not found that somethin' special among the 5,000 pages of documents released.

On Friday, Baez filed a motion for additional phone records. Baez is requesting a judge to sign an order for 11 different cell phone companies to provide 'complete' phone records for the following:

Amy Huizinga, Casey Anthony's ex-best friend scammed out of $700. & up
Jesse Grund, Casey Anthony's ex-fiance.
Roy Kronk, the meter reader who found Caylee Anthony's remains.
Tony Lazzaro, the man Anthony was dating when Caylee disappeared.
Keith Williams, the dude who found bag of stuff animals on vacant lot where Caylee's remains were later discovered.
Richard Cain, the deputy who failed to searched the woods where Caylee's remains was later found.
Dominic Casey and Jim Hoover, the private investigators working for Anthony family.
Casey's family, the brother Lee, mother Cindy and father George Anthony.

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