Friday, April 10, 2009

Nothing Comes Easy For George and Cindy Anthony: True?

Crimsearchers gave awesome highlights again regarding the Cindy and George depositions:

George and Cindy Anthony appeared drained and exhausted yesterday exiting the law firm of Morgan & Morgan's mock courtroom.

The couple gave their depositions but not without a fight. Both were on the defensive with moral accusations, combative gestures, bizzare insults, and dodging questions with questions.
George Anthony walked around stretching and puffing out his chest with dramatic exhaling, while Cindy set up their video camera. The Anthony's appeared somewhat confused that they were there to be deposed not conduct the deposition.
At one point, Cindy questioned Gonzalez about why she signed her name C. Zenaida Gonzalez in June instead of Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez:

Cindy Anthony: Where does the Fernandez come in?

John Morgan: Let me tell you.

Cindy Anthony: Casey gave that.

John Morgan: Let me say this to you.

Cindy Anthony: So there you go, Mr. Morgan. Where did she get the Fernandez? Where did you get the Fernandez? Why don't you tell the camera and all the viewers out there where Fernandez came from?

The questioning was also interupted when Cindy said Gonzalez wasn't the babysitter that Casey described. Cindy then hunched over, eyes wide-open, glared at Gonzalez to say:

"She doesn't have perfect teeth. She's not a 10, Cindy said, gestering to look at Gonzalez. I'm sorry, ma'am, you're cute, but you're not a 10. "

Cindy Anthony had one goal in mind to manipulate the camera's to support her daughter's lies that Gonzalez suing Casey for defamation isn't the person her daughter claimed took her granddaughter.
George Anthony also agitated when clearly not in control of questioning. Waved his hands and pulled at his microphone:
"Brad, I'm getting ready to end this. I'm getting ready to walk out," he said when asked details about what Casey bought, such as clothes, food, and how much George gave her to buy these items.

There were some answers George did provide that surprised all to learn. George Anthony not only admitted he never searched for the mysterious "Zanny" or a Zenaida-Fernandez Gonzalez after Caylee Anthony was reported missing. The retired cop went on to confirm that he did not know about the tip that sent P.I. Dominic Casey looking in the wooded lot near the Anthony home in November.

After the depositions, Brad Conway speaking on George and Cindy Anthony's behalf had this to say:

"I think it just exacerbates the circus-like atmosphere that has surrounded this case from the beginning"

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