Sorry, embedding from CNN videos is tricky, and never shows for whatever reason.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Lee Anthony Is Horrible.
He's being asked serious questions surrounding the circumstances of Caylee's dissapearance and laughs his way through it- he makes me BLOODY SICK!!
He's going back claiming the whole Blanchard Park kidnap story.. He was claiming that Casey took him aside when she was out on bail and told hi
Yes, she stands there, and lets a "babysitter" (who obviously never exsisted) walk off with your first-born. That's normal, yep.
And as for the reason why she just stood there and let it happen? Lee tells the attorney for ZFG that she was in "shock" and it was so "surreal" it was like it wasn't happening. HAHA!!
This is all in between his cackling. Yeah, have a good time, asshole.
So, for the attorneys representing this ZFG, their job is to establish Casey as pointing to this VERY WOMAN-----------> as the "kidnapper" of Caylee, but since there is no establishment what-so-ever to that, she's screwed. Both for the murder and this defamation suit, which obviously takes second seat.
Sorry. =] Had to vent.
Cummings' Trailer Cleared of Crime Scene
He's not going to want to go back in his double-wide trailer to live, but today Ronald, father of missing Haliegh Cummings's trailer has been released back to him and cleared of being a Crime Scene.
Mayor to Quit Over Obama Watermelon E-mail
Los Alamitos Mayor Dean Grose issued a statement Thursday saying he is sorry and will step down as mayor at Monday's City Council meeting.
Grose came under fire for sending the picture to what he called "a small group of friends." One of the recipients, a local businesswoman and city volunteer, publicly scolded the mayor for his actions.
Scent Picked Up In Dumpster
A dumpster has drawn the attention of investigators looking for a missing Florida girl.
Search teams sifted through the dumpster of yard waste in hopes of finding a trace of five-year-old Haleigh Cummings. She has not been seen since she vanished from her father's trailer in Putnam County more than two weeks ago.
Authorities say they're searching the dumpster near Haleigh's neighborhood because a cadaver dog alerted them to a scent inside it.
Cadaver dogs were brought into the area around Haleigh Cumming's home to search for her body.
Family members say the search is like a double edged sword. They want officials to keep searching, but they want them to find her alive.
Dogs like Eli had been called together from all over the area by the group "Canine South". The dogs are from South Georgia, Duval, Marion and other counties and are all owned by their handlers and specially trained to look for human remains. Eli is the only search dog from Duval County. His owner is an off duty patrol sergeant. Eli trains 10 hours a week for the job.
Eli is the only dog out of 7 in the area today. The search will wrap tomorrow with about a dozen dogs on the scene.
WHAT? Mother dissapears??
It's CNN, Bitches!!
..At first I was weary, thinking it'd be hair-cutting instructing videos on loop- but when the telly popped on BAM! -CNN HLN (Headline News). So excited to see that- only wish is Nancy Gracy would be on in the morning.
I can still keep covered on my Caylee Anthony updates, and any other missing children news that happens to pop up during the duration of my workday.
I'm such a geek, was totally thrilled and excited and obviously showing it, haha!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tennessee Cousin Not A Suspect In Haleigh Case
Capt. Dick Schauland of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office told reporters during an afternoon briefing that the man, a cousin of Haleigh's father's girlfriend, was interviewed after detectives learned of him early in the investigation and was subsequently ruled out.
The man left Florida after trying to steal a gun from the Cummings' home, according to Haleigh's grandmother. Schauland wouldn't identify him.
"He is family, and we don't want to embarrass family members in any way," Schauland said.
Following all leads
With no sign of Haleigh for 12 days, Schauland said investigators from several agencies are sorting through more than 1,600 leads and have logged more than 4,700 hours on the search. Nearly a third of the department's 17 detectives are working full time on the case, Schauland said.
Volunteer searchers have contributed an additional 4,000 hours combing wooded areas around Haleigh's home, he said.
Haleigh vanished Feb. 10 from the home of her father, Ronald Cummings, and his 17-year-old girlfriend, Misty Croslin, who has been questioned several times by detectives as the last person to see her. Croslin said she put Haleigh and her then-3-year-old brother to bed, and when she awoke about 3 a.m., the little girl was gone.
Schauland said there were no official ground searches for Haleigh on Saturday and none planned for today but volunteers were back out Saturday morning.
Trouble with media
Later Saturday, Fox News reporter Geraldo Rivera got into a confrontation with Cummings and was essentially run off the property.
Cummings got upset when Rivera said he'd been told by members of Haleigh's mother's family that Cummings hit the child and has said he is 75 percent sure he knows who has her.
Cummings vehemently denied the allegations and making any such statements and told Rivera he was calling police before pleading again for whoever has his daughter to return her.
Police previously declined to say whether Croslin's cousin was a suspect. Haleigh's grandmother said she told investigators about him.
The cousin left the same morning Haleigh disappeared.
Croslin said Friday the man "messed with her" as a child but she didn't think he was listed as a sex offender.
Police also have been looking into a tip received Thursday night that Haleigh was spotted at a Carrabba's restaurant in Knoxville, Tenn., with a man who drove a red pickup truck.
Schauland didn't discuss that tip; police have previously said they don't know if it has any connection to Haleigh.
Schauland said detectives are considering every tip.
"Some of them end up nowhere, but they have to be run down nonetheless because you never know when the one that's going to solve the case will come up," he said.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
No, We're NOT Alone.
<--An artist's impression shows a planet passing in front of its parent star. Such events are called transits. Pointy-eared aliens traveling at light speed are staying firmly in science fiction, but scientists are offering fresh insights into the possible existence of inhabited worlds and intelligent civilizations in space. There may be 100 billion Earth-like planets in the Milky Way, or one for every sun-type star in the galaxy, said Alan Boss, an astronomer with the Carnegie Institution and author of the new book "The Crowded Universe: The Search for Living Planets."
He made the prediction based on the number of "super-Earths" -- planets several times the mass of the Earth, but smaller than gas giants like Jupiter -- discovered so far circling stars outside the solar system.
Boss said that if any of the billions of Earth-like worlds he believes exist in the Milky Way have liquid water, they are likely to be home to some type of life.
"Now that's not saying that they're all going to be crawling with intelligent human beings or even dinosaurs," he said.
"But I would suspect that the great majority of them at least will have some sort of primitive life, like bacteria or some of the multicellular creatures that populated our Earth for the first 3 billion years of its existence."
Putting a number on alien worlds:
Other scientists are taking another approach: an analysis that suggests there could be hundreds, even thousands, of intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way.
Two Arizona Teens Accused of Pimping Other Girls
(CNN) -- The grandmother of a 16-year-old Arizona girl accused of prostitution -- and recruiting and pimping other teen girls -- said Wednesday she hopes to fight the charges in court.
Finley, were indicted earlier this week by a grand jury, Maricopa County, Arizona, prosecutors said in a statement. Although the girls are juveniles, prosecutors released their names and said they will be tried as adults.
Tye is charged with one count of child prostitution and three counts of pandering, or serving as a go-between or liaison for sexual purposes, prosecutors said.
Finley faces nine counts of child prostitution; two counts of receiving earnings of a prostitute; and one count of pandering. All the charges are felonies, prosecutors said.
The two were arrested last week after a five-month investigation, Phoenix police told reporters. Authorities believe Tye and Finley recruited at least five girls, ranging in age from 14 to 17, on the campuses of their high schools, police spokesman Sgt. Andy Hill said in a Monday news briefing posted on the Web site of CNN affiliate KTVK.
"We have a situation of two girls, 16 years old, who are, in essence, pimps," Hill said. "And they ran their own brothel."
Police believe the girls had rented an apartment used solely for acts of prostitution, he said.
Prosecutors, citing a police probable cause statement, said the teenagers recruited girls by telling them of "all the money they would be making. Additionally, they were told that it was better working for them as opposed to male pimps because they would not get beat up."
Hill said, "I think we were all surprised at, you know, were these 16-year-old girls that were arrested, were they running this business? And the answer is yes, they were."
In a jailhouse interview with KTVK, Tatiana Tye blamed Finley for introducing her to the world of prostitution, and said she was "a follower, not a leader, following whatever Jazmine does, and those were bad things."
She denied recruiting anyone or receiving any money, although she did acknowledge she was scared at times.
"All I'm saying is, before (Finley) came into my life, none of this stuff was going on," Tatiana Tye said. "I don't even know much about prostitution and stuff. I've seen it before, because Jazmine had a pimp."
Vivid Entertainment has made a $1 million offer to Nadya Suleman to make a pornographic video.
In an offer letter obtained by, the president of the pornography studio and distributor Steven Hirsch says the company would release the film under their "Vivid-Celeb imprint, which has released titles starring such personalities as Pamela Anderson, Kim Kardashian, and most recently, former Miss USA Kelli MCarty."
The site also reports that the company is offering her family dental and health care if she agrees to star in a series of films.
Suleman, 33, known as "Octomom" after giving birth to octuplets earlier this year, has reportedly not replied to the request.
Caylee Anthony's Grandparents Try to Stop Depositions in 'Baby Sitter' Defamation Suit
George and Cindy Anthony, whose daughter Casey Anthony is jailed in her little girl's killing, asked a judge to stop depositions scheduled for Thursday in the suit filed by Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, according to the Orlando Sentinel.
Casey Anthony, 22, said she last saw Caylee over the summer when she left her with a nanny by that name in the parking lot of a local apartment complex.
Her defense team has indicated plans to argue that the sitter kidnapped and later killed the 2-year-old. They say the woman described by Anthony is not the same person as the one suing.
Police questioned Fernandez-Gonzalez extensively, but turned up no link between her and the child.

Fernandez-Gonzalez claims she lost her job — and her life as she knew it — because of her unwanted involvement in the Anthony saga.
Anthony family attorney wrote that the woman's lawyers want to "annoy, embarrass and oppress" the Anthonys in filing Tuesday's motion to stop the depositions from going forward.
The proceedings are open to the public and the press.
Caylee disappeared in mid-June but wasn't reported missing until a month later. Her remains were found in December in a wooded lot about a half-mile from her family's home. The medical examiner ruled her death a homicide.
Police released case documents last week outlining that evidence found on or near the little girl's skull and bones are a match to items collected at the Anthony house just outside Orlando.
Casey has insisted that she had nothing to do with her little girl's death. Detectives contend she made the kidnapper nanny story up and the sitter doesn't exist.
Her trial was scheduled to begin in March, but could be delayed until early next year.
Click here for more on this story from the Orlando Sentinel.
Kaitlyn's Favorite Wonka Scene
Wonka's Rage LMAO
Kaitlyn's Other Favorite Scene, "Is it any good?" "YES!" LOL
Whenever Augustus goes up the chute she raises her hand and goes "shhhhooop!" imitating the sound he makes when he gets sucked up, haha!
Brother Of Witness In Drew Peterson Case Speaks
John Morphey says his brother, Tom, believes Drew Peterson
killed his fourth wife, Stacy Peterson
[Feb 23, 2009] BOLINGBROOK, Ill. (CBS) ―He may be a key witness in the investigation of Stacy Peterson. On the night she disappeared, Tom Morphey claimed he helped Drew Peterson move a barrel into the former Bolingbrook police sergeant's truck. The next day, Tom tried to kill himself, but survived. Tom isn't talking to the media. But his brother John is - only with CBS 2's Mike Puccinelli.
Tom Morphey is the man who says he helped Drew Peterson carry a barrel from his upstairs bedroom into a truck. A barrel that investigators believe contained the body of Stacy Peterson. Tom Morphey has been ordered not to talk by investigators so his brother John is speaking for him.
Puccinelli: "What did your brother tell you about that night and what he did?
John Morphey: "He thought he helped dispose of Stacy's dead body in a blue barrel."
That was on October 28, 2007 - the last day Stacy Peterson was seen alive.
Puccinelli: "What made him think Stacy was inside that barrel?
John Morphey: "He said he just knew."
John Morphey says his brother has no idea where Drew Peterson drove with the barrel.
Puccinelli: "Does your brother think Drew murdered Stacy.
John Morphey: "He doesn't think - he knows."
Drew Peterson has been charged with no crime and says he's innocent. But John Morphey says his brother believes Peterson thought about killing his wife and then did just that.
Rest of article here..
Image And Funny Pictures
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Lonely Libra
LIBRA women, and this is so true for me:
Libra people are considered as some of the mot attractive and good-looking people existing on earth. They also feel the utmost need of having balance as well as harmony in their lives. Being very loving in nature, the Libra people are always ready to sacrifice in order to enjoy peace and safety in not only their lies but even in their loved one’s lives. The people born under the influence of Libra zodiac sign are identified as romantic, charming, idealistic and sociable. According to their love horoscope, they are scared of being lonely and thus are always looking for company to kill their loneliness.
A Libra person would always like being loved and thus are always on a look out for such a kind of soul partner who can love them and can assure them that they will never be alone. Libra persons are judged to be the most romantic persons and will leave no situation to charm you. They have great interests in art, decorations, theatre, antiques and themselves. So if you are planning to go on a date with Libra persons, it would be much better if you take care of the above said interests of Libra persons.
Positive traits: Diplomacy, generosity, humor, respect, commitment, sense of balance and social justice, good taste, kindness.
Negative traits: Hesitant, indecisive, too respectable, distant, capricious, difficulty in managing emotions.
Ghostbusters 3!
"Ghostbusters 3", the much talked-about second sequel for 1980s comedy movie could be heading to production late 2009. While promoting a new House of Blues in Boston, "Ghostbusters" star Dan Aykroyd gave the revealing update for the project during a web chat with readers of The Boston Globe.
Asked about how the third installment of the "Ghostbusters" series is coming along and whether the movie will indeed be developed, the 56-year-old came up with this response, saying "Script is commenced early summer." He, in addition, gushed on when the production most likely takes place, noting "Hope to be in production by late fall 2009."
For "Ghostbusters 3", Columbia Pictures have picked-up Emmy-nominated screenwriting team, Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky, to pen the script. While the original actors, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Bill Murray and Ernie Hudson, have been reported to be willing to reprise roles, they have yet been signed for this sequel since they are waiting to see if the script is right.
Haleigh's Brother: "Someone All In Black Took Sissy"
It appears the girl's little brother may have some startling information.
Haleigh Cumming’s little brother, Ronald Cummings, Jr. gave his mother a startling bit of information regarding the night his sister was abducted.
The children’s mother, Crystal Sheffield, said that 4-year-old Ronald told her that a man dressed entirely in black entered the home and took Haleigh.
Sheffield relayed this information to authorities and Ronald Jr.
was immediately questioned by a team of people who deal with children.
It was not immediately clear when or where Sheffield made this statement.
Authorities would not comment on this tip or any other tips they have received in order to protect the integrity of the case.
Haleigh apparently vanished Feb. 10th from her father's home where she lives with 24-year-old Cummings, his 17-year-old girlfriend, Misty Croslin, and Haleigh's little brother.
Runaway or Foul Play? Where Is Amber?
She never made it.
More than a week later, dozens of community members have continued their search of the Escondido, Calif., area, and the teen's family has hired a private investigator to help with the search, frustrated, they say, that police treated Amber as a runaway -- which officials deny.
"Unfortunately, in my mind, I'm about 98 percent positive she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got abducted by a stranger," her father, Maurice "Moe" DuBois, told
The theories of what exactly happened to Amber are numerous. Police have reported sightings of the teen after her disappearance, while the private investigator says her friends may know more than they're letting on.
Lt. Robert Benton of the Escondido Police Department said it never classified Amber as a runaway but are still considering that as an option, along with foul play. So far, he said, police have gotten several hundred leads.
The FBI has been called in to help with out-of-jurisdiction interviews and technology, including cell phone and text message records.
At this point," Benton said, "we still don't know."
"Our biggest concern is that she's 14. She's very young. It's not that she's street smart."
DuBois described his only daughter as a "nerd" who got good grades and loved to read, calling her his "angel."
"She's read more books in the last two months than I have in my entire life," he said.
And, above all, Amber was happy. She had talked about getting the lamb since she was in junior high and was very excited that the day had finally arrived, DuBois said, adding that Amber had planned to take several Valentine's Day gifts to school that day for her friends.
"Friday was such an important day for her," Amber's mother, Carrie McGonigle, said. " I'm afraid she just got in to a bad situation."
"I'm convinced she was abducted. I know she's not a runaway."
American Psycho = Casey Anthony
GoodFellas Full "You Have A Whore" Scene
This Is Disgusting, and I Hope A Bloody JOKE!
Just last month Casey Anthony voodoo dolls were being auctioned on eBay and now a seller is pushing a Casey Anthony doll dressed in an American flag.
This mirrors the photos released to the media of Anthony wearing a similar dress at a ‘no clothes’ party that was alleged to have taken place after her daughter, Caylee Anthony went missing.
The description reads, “OOAK! Beautiful Casey Anthony Doll repaint. Casey stands 11” tall. She wears an American Flag shift dress, which attaches with back Velcro closure, and white sunglasses.”
Monday, February 23, 2009
9/11 Cover-Up Connection: Black Boxes Found 15 Hours After Buffalo Crash
In 2004, New York firefighters Mike Bellone and Nicholas DeMasi went public to say they had found the black boxes at the World Trade Center, but were told to keep their mouths shut by FBI agents. Nicholas DeMasi said that he escorted federal agents on an all-terrain vehicle in October 2001 and helped them locate the devices, a story backed up by rescue volunteer Mike Bellone.
As the Philadelphia Daily News reported at the time, “Their story raises the question of whether there was a some type of cover-up at Ground Zero.”
“At one point, I was asked to take Federal Agents around the site to search for the black boxes from the planes,” he wrote. “We were getting ready to go out. My ATV was parked at the top of the stairs at the Brooks Brothers entrance area. We loaded up about a million dollars worth of equipment and strapped it into the ATV,” said DeMasi.
“At one point, Bellone said he observed the team with a box that appeared charred but was redish-orange with two white stripes. Pictures of the flight recorders on the NTSB and other Web sites show devices that are orange, with two white stripes,” reported the newspaper.
“There was the one that I saw, and two others were recovered in different locations - but I wasn’t there for the other two,” Bellone said. He said the FBI agents left with the boxes.”
In addition, a source at the National Transportation Safety Board later told Counterpunch, “Off the record, we had the boxes….You’d have to get the official word from the FBI as to where they are, but we worked on them here.”
Suspicions surrounding the so-called failure to locate the black boxes at the World Trade Center can only be heightened by the news that the black box from last night’s tragic plane crash in Buffalo was discovered within a mere 15 hours.
Furthermore, both the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder were in perfect condition, as you can see from the image below.
The flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder “have been found and they are on their way back here,” said Ted Lopatkiewicz a spokesman for the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), AFP reported on Friday.
The motivation behind lying about the recovery of the black boxes on 9/11 is obvious - any aspect of the recordings of the onboard conversations between the pilots or the movements of their plane that didn’t coalesce with the official story would have destroyed the fairy tale that was being constructed around the attacks in the very minutes and hours after they started to unfold.
Questions about how a handful of men with box cutters could have overpowered burly ex-military pilots and scores of passengers with apparent ease would not have gone unanswered.
The circumstances surrounding the Buffalo crash and the Beijing skyscraper fire are two events that happened in the same week which offer stark contradictions and only place the credibility of the official 9/11 story further in doubt.
- Research related articles -
Government black boxes will ‘collect every email’
9/11 Activist Who Sued Government Killed In Buffalo Plane Crash
9/11 Aircraft ‘Black Box’ Serial Numbers Mysteriously Absent
Plane that crashed near Buffalo was on autopilot
British Police Opening Thousands of Safe Deposit Boxes
Buffalo Cops Terrorize Family in “War On Drugs”
Military insists ’segregation boxes’ for Iraqi prisoners are ‘humane’
Expert Fears Dollar Crash As Greenback Hits New Lows
Warnings from world leaders all within 72 hours
No Connection Between Letters and Bomb in Times Square
Ohio TV station: Was Connell crash an accident or murder?
‘White vigilantes’ shot black neighbors without consequences in Katrina aftermath
Casey’s First Reactions To Remains Were Recorded

ORLANDO -- Casey Anthony's lawyer Jose Baez is angered after learning the Orange County Sheriff's Office confirms they do have videotape of Casey's emotions the day her daughter's remains were found.
Published reports have said that Casey was purposely shown news coverage Dec. 11, the day a meter reader found 2-year old Caylee's remains near the family's home.
The reports said deputies asked the jail to get the reaction on tape, and that the 22-year-old mother doubled over and began hyperventilating.
Deputies said they have that tape but have not turned it over to the State Attorney's Office.
His defense team released a statement Friday saying quote:
“It is outrageous and cruel that they were standing by to record her emotions. Let’s face it, there is nothing ‘normal’ about anyone’s response to losing a child. Everyone handles personal tragedy in an individual way. Let’s call this the potentially latest in a ‘tape and release’ strategy that the Sheriff’s Office seems to have used since Casey was first arrested. Even if it not their primary motive, the release of this kind of information alone has to have an influence on viewers and readers. Just look at the blogs. In fact, it’s also a concern that many so-called experts who publicly evaluate Casey’s reactions and often seem to advance the prosecution’s theories of guilt.”
Casey remains locked up without bond charged with her daughter’s murder.
Jose Baez At Center of ANOTHER Florida Bar Inquiry!

A Bar spokeswoman couldn't disclose details about the inquiry, but said it pertains to Baez's relationship with his now former media-relations company.
Since fall, Baez's law firm referred news reporters to a spokesman named Todd Black with Press Corps Media.
Black never agreed to in-person interviews with reporters, would not provide his photograph and did not reveal his true identity.
Press Corps Media later confirmed that three people used the Todd Black name.
And recently, the company confirmed that one of the people who called himself Todd Black was Gil Cabot. Cabot was sentenced to five years in a California prison in 1990 after he was convicted of attempting to extort television journalist Jann Carl.
In October, The Florida Bar initiated an investigation into Baez after the State Attorney's Office faxed the Bar several news releases Black had sent to media outlets.
The Bar closed its file in January and found that no disciplinary proceedings against the Kissimmee lawyer were appropriate.
Two of those news releases criticized State Attorney Lawson Lamar.
Timothy Chinaris, an attorney representing Baez in that inquiry, told the Bar that Press Corps Media was retained by a Connecticut family.
Chinaris said his client had not paid and will not pay "any part" of Press Corps Media's fees or expenses.
Baez has since hired Marti Mackenzie as his new spokeswoman. In an e-mail statement, Mackenzie said this afternoon: "The circumstances of Mr. Baez's now severed association with Press Corps Media have not changed; as Timothy Chinaris, an ethics attorney representing Baez in the first Bar inquiry, told the Bar, Press Corps Media claimed that it was retained by a Connecticut family. We expect that the Bar will again close the file and find that no disciplinary proceedings are appropriate."
Attacking Chimp A Neighbor of Mine
This is the town next to mine; Stamford, Connecticut, that this took place:
STAMFORD, Conn. – A 175-pound chimpanzee kept as a pet was shot and killed by a police officer Monday after it attacked a woman visiting its owners’ home, leaving her with serious facial injuries, authorities said.
The injured woman, described by police as in her 50s, was taken to a hospital; her condition and identity were not immediately available. The 15-year-old chimpanzee’s owner and two officers also were hurt, though police said the extent of their injuries was not immediately known.
The Advocate of Stamford reported on its Web site Monday night that the primate’s owner called 911 and tried to stop the chimp from attacking the woman by stabbing it with a butcher knife.
As emergency crews arrived to treat the victim, the chimpanzee — named Travis — revived and opened the door of a police cruiser. The officer inside fired several shots, killing the chimp, The Advocate reported. (AP)
Clinic specialists evaluate woman in chimp attack
CLEVELAND (AP) — The Cleveland Clinic says it may take up to a week to evaluate the injuries a Connecticut woman suffered when a friend's pet chimpanzee mauled her.
The hospital said in a statement Friday that 55-year-old Charla Nash is in critical but stable condition with injuries described as "severe trauma to her face, scalp and hands."
She's being evaluated by a team of plastic surgeons, nurses and eye and bone specialists.
In the statement, her family thanked the medical team and asked for privacy.
Nash was attacked Monday at her friend's home in Stamford, Conn., and was flown to the Cleveland Clinic on Thursday.
Two months ago, the Clinic performed the first face transplant in the U.S.
Hospital officials haven't said if Nash will be a candidate for a face transplant.
Related News Item: Rupert Murdoch apologizes for chimp cartoon.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Good Luck, Mama..
In my thoughts tonight..
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Saturday Fun, Heee!
Watching: The Young Ones
I LOVE Rik Mayall. Okay, sorry. Had to get that out of the way.
I'll always select music on occasions where I'm really feeling the melody, the lyrics.. Each instrument- both seperately and combined all together.. I'm just posting music that I feel relates to my life at the moment.
Late Feb. CrimeSearchers Update
Alright, this is sure to be the first post, of many, regarding the girl everyone loves, Casey Anthony.
I am an administrator over on, and although I'm assigned to blogging for the Stacy Peterson case, I've been occasionally blogging Casey.
This week it came out that Casey had a diary, and that back on June 21st wrote an entry about her making "the right decision" on something, although not specified. Nancy Grace declared it could be the nail in her coffin.
Why the HELL would you be stupid enough to write diary entries like that, obviously she was oblivious enough not to realize it would come back to bite her in the ass.. Also another good thing was they had Casey's reaction filmed when she learned Caylee's remains were found- she doubled over and acted openly upset, then asked for medication.
Then there's the heart shaped sticker.. Documents have been released showing pictures of all these sticker sheets confiscated from the Anthony home, and show ones that look identical in size and shape to the heart from the duct tape. They will determine that the sticker was on one of those actual sheets, I know it.
Poor little Haliegh, the five year old other girl from Florida is still missing, and apparently the girlfriend (the last person to see Haliegh)'s cousin is under some kind of suspicion. Apparently within I believe it was 4-5 miles of this girls house lived around FORTY convicted sex offenders. I can't imagine..
0hhhh Gee, c4n u txt meeeeh?
As a society I feel we're coming to better terms with the fact most of us are so dependent on text messaging- I for one have been texting to the MAX lately, and am glad I'm on an unlimited text message cell phone plan, haha! Even romantic relationships are reduced to making plans via text, and takes so much of the effort once involved in dating away.
AIM or any other online messaging is the same idea- sadly most of any conversation involving the break-up with my last relationship was hashed out on AIM, and took once again away the need for the courage needed to actually talk to that person IN person. Not only impersonal, you lack having the tone of your voice speak your emotions- something that you end up saying can simply be taken in the wrong way or context, sometimes without your even knowing it.
I don't know why I'm going on about it, just thought I'd vent.
I need to ween off texting.