Thursday, January 5, 2012

The itch Is Back

She has some nerve vlogging herself, hasn't she heard she's the most hated woman in America?

It makes me sick watching her... I guess she feels obligated to do her little videos as to not dissapoint her fanbase.
Wait, what?

ORLANDO -- We have confirmed that the YouTube video featuring a woman who looks and sounds like the Orlando mother acquitted of murdering her daughter, Caylee, is none other than Casey Anthony.

And now attorneys who are already suing Anthony hope to use this video in their lawsuit. Sources close to Casey Anthony's defense team confirmed Thursday.

Attorney Cheney Mason says Anthony is maintaining memoirs and notes primarily for future counseling. She did not upload the video to YouTube, nor did she authorize anyone to do it. Mason says whoever leaked the video did it illegally or criminally.

The 4-minute, 20-second video posted Wednesday features Casey Anthony with a shorter, blond hairstyle. The woman in the recording gives the date as Thursday, October 13, 2011.

The really sad part is that she gets more views on her "counseling" blog than I probably ever will. I guess if I kill my child then I could be famous too, hey-whatdyaknow?

The only vlogging I want to see of her in the future is the one that captures her assasination.

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