Sunday, June 3, 2007

Florida '07

[ from original livejournal post ]
i had some time to myself to sit back and do nothing so i thought i'd write a real entry since i haven't done so in a while.
i'm the happiest i've been in years lately, after getting back from a stress-free week in florida.
not that i was working too much at work but i was working too hard, and letting the stress really wear me down. stress at home wore me down a lot too, and i've come to realize in reflection during that week of vacation that my job can't be the center of my energy and life for me, and i'm working on my relationship with my boss. the stress between him and i had me completley down for a while, but i hid a lot of my frustration and pain. i'm learning to step up to the bat when it comes to conflict with him, instead of backing down like i usually would. i'm getting stronger.

i have a new outlook on life, and part of the stress management has to include me getting over a lot of mental obstacles in my head, like my perception of other people's thoughts concerning me. i've had low self esteem all these years (just as far back as i can remember now) and it has really effected me in my thoughts, behaviors, and my relationships with friends and lovers. i've let my poor self image block me from achieving a lot in life, and i believe i'm finally sick of it.

now trying to pull myself out from this extremely deep issue, i'm happy to report my relationship with herbie is going great, and i've come to realize that a lot of the problems we were having weren't actually problems at all, but self-created drama that was an effect again of my behaviors/thoughts. there are some things i'd still like to work on with herbie, but nothing big that can be at all really damaging.

florida was such a blast, i have loads of pictures from there, all of which can be seen on either my facebook, my myspace, or on the photobucket sub-album i had created.

a few of the best pictures from the collection:

i am so sorry i never am thoughtful enough to really get into reading any of my friends's entries here on livejournal land, i've been cutting back on my internet time (for my mental health lol) and simply stick more to myspace and facebook.

if there's anything important any of you need to share with me, please tell me to take a look!

xoxx love to all

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