Friday, December 16, 2011

This Day In History

Dec 16
My father, Robert Aubrey was born. Happy Birthday, dad!

Dec 16 1920
In Kansu, China, an 8.6 earthquake kills 180,000 people, mostly from building collapses. But 20,000 froze later because they were unwilling to reoccupy housing during the winter.

Dec 16 1943
At Auschwitz, Dr. Horst Schumann was radiating genitals of Jewish men and women. After a time their genitals were removed and sent to Berlin. Records from his experiments do not survive intact, but the daysheet for today indicates 90 castrations. What were they doing with all those balls?

Dec 16 1950
To fight "world conquest by communist imperialism" in Korea, President Truman declares a state of National Emergency. The order is still in effect, one of four current states of national emergency granting extraordinary powers. We must be fools.

Dec 16 1954
In San Carlos, Venezuela, a hairy dwarf creature attacks residents, then flees into a hovering disk shaped UFO. The creatures escape.

Dec 16 1977
The pinnacle of the Disco era attained with the release of the polyester-clad film Saturday Night Fever, starring John Travolta.

Dec 16 1985
John Gotti has Gambino boss Paul Castellano whacked at Spark's Steak House in Manhattan.


A castrated man said...

"At Auschwitz, Dr. Horst Schumann was radiating genitals of Jewish men and women. After a time their genitals were removed and sent to Berlin. Records from his experiments do not survive intact, but the daysheet for today indicates 90 castrations. What were they doing with all those balls?"

Truly horrific experiments during a period of great horror.

I had to have my testicles removed (following an accident) and can empathize with these victims. I had the benefit of caring doctors and nurses and it was bad enough coming to terms with the loss of my balls, my manhood. It must have been devastating for them. I understand that some of the castrated men survived the camps. Tragic lives: destroyed innocence and robbed of the joy of sex, marriage and offspring.

DARaiente said...

My deepest sympathies to you sir..

I'm sure that the more time passes from that point in your life that things are easier and more manageable for you? You shouldn't worry so much about your love life being effected- the right person that loves you would accept that and not think it's a problem at all.

Not having your own offspring seems to be the only real concern and adoption would be such a perfect solution.. Think of all the children in the world needing loving parents..

Try to not think of all the negative consequences of your accident and learn to live strong. You've come along way and have a long way to go.

Thank you for reading my blog,