Thursday, January 29, 2009

Spokespeople for Baez: 'We Don't Use Our Real Names'

The spokesman for Casey Anthony's defense attorney -- a man whose news releases triggered a recent Florida Bar investigation -- just told the Orlando Sentinel that Todd Black is not his real name.

Black said in a telephone interview this morning that it is an "abbreviated" last name he's used professionally.

Black did not say what his legal name is.

Black has acted as a spokesman for lawyer Jose Baez through a company called Press Corps Media. He will not participate in in-person media interviews and has faxed most of his news releases, which appear to be written on a typewriter.

After the initial interview with Black this morning, a Sentinel reporter left the spokesman a voicemail asking that he again clarify what his legal name is.

Another Press Corps Media contact, Sabrina Cane, responded by sending an e-mail stating that Black was in the middle of a "Do Not Disturb" case conference.

"In general we can tell you that it's been standard procedure for many years to have our company's story reps utilize abbreviated names for security purposes, most especially now with the Casey Anthony Case that is overrun with hostile attitudes and serious threats that have been generated by negative media coverage," the e-mail stated.

Multiple attempts to reach Black or Cane through that e-mail addresses have been unsuccessful -- an "undeliverable" return e-mail states that address is not accepting any mail.

The Florida Bar initiated an investigation into Baez in October after the State Attorney's Office faxed several releases from Black to the Bar. Two of the releases criticized State Attorney Lawson Lamar.

The Bar found that no disciplinary proceedings against Baez were appropriate, and closed the file Jan. 22.

One letter submitted to the Bar was from Press Corps Media and its president, Peter Tillman. The Sentinel attempted to contact Tillman by leaving a voicemail at the telephone number provided on the letterhead, but Black returned the phone call.

"He's not interested in discussing anything with you," Black said of Tillman.

Drew Peterson: 'I Like Being Married'

Video here..

Drew Peterson says he understands why his future fifth wife's loved ones are concerned for her safety. But Peterson, who is a suspect in the disappearance of his fourth wife Stacy and the death of his third wife Kathleen Savio in their Bolingbrook, Ill., home, said that "I'm a good guy."

Peterson's first two wives have complained about him being very controlling and, before her disappearance, Stacy allegedly told her minister that Peterson confessed to killing Savio.

"All of which didn't happen," Peterson told "Nightline" in his first interview since his engagement. "But I will acknowledge that I would have concerns if I was the friends and family of this young girl.

Watch the story tonight on "Nightline" at 11:35 p.m. ET

"She likes me. She likes me a lot," he said of his fiancée Christina Raines, 23. "I'm good to her and I treat her better than she's ever been treated."

Despite still being legally married to Stacy, Peterson, 55, says he is OK with getting remarried and is deeply in love. The couple haven't yet set a date, but Peterson says they'll wed this year. In the state of Illinois, Peterson can be granted a divorce on the basis of abandonment and is free to remarry if Stacy Peterson doesn't respond to a court submission within 30 days.

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Comments (37)
written by JoyceEllaine, 10:16:40 am MST

This is so scary. He has picked an insecure women, who he can control.
+0 ...
written by Sway, 10:22:44 am MST

"She likes me. She likes me a lot," he said of his fiancée Christina Raines, 23. "I'm good to her and I treat her better than she's ever been treated."

Yeah, as long as Christina doesn't have her own opinion or take too many baths...they should get along just fine !

+0 ...
written by Hockeyma, 10:24:21 am MST

joyce - he has picked ANOTHER insecure girl.. He is so creepy looking!!!
+0 ...
written by Sway, 10:24:52 am MST

Maybe Perterson talks in his sleep and is worried about what might leak out one night???
Wife up #5 and she can't testify against him !
+0 ...
written by BJ in Oregon, 10:25:52 am MST


........Peterson cites challenges in keeping a romance going. He lost interest, he tells "Nightline," when "there was no excitement in the marriage anymore."

And what is he attracted to? "I'm basically attracted to young, beautiful women with good personalities," he says.

I guess that statement could also serve as a warning............ +0 ...
written by BJ in Oregon, 10:27:48 am MST

sorry about that link not posting correctly.
+0 ...
written by BJ in Oregon, 10:30:49 am MST

What does a 50 something man talk about to a 23 year old girl. This guy is a sicko!
+0 ...
written by Bombshell, 10:32:26 am MST

He admits that he doesn't blame her loved ones for being worried? Is that like a warning to them, that when something happens to her, he can say, "I told you so"??
+0 ...
written by MsGurl, 10:35:23 am MST

I swear that man looks scarier by the day...LOL!
+0 ...
written by Jan, 10:38:45 am MST

He's a real piece of .......... work! HEHEHE! I know what everyone thought I was going to say. Either word will be appropriate for this sentence.
+0 ...
written by MsGurl, 10:40:29 am MST

Does this girl have a death wish?

I haven't been keeping up with ole Drew I guess because I can stomach his.. However I do believe that I read somewhere that she has kids and they are moving in with them..What's the story with their father? Is he not worried about the kids.Is he not trying to take them from the mother? God help um.
+0 ...
written by Lilies4U, 10:57:39 am MST

This guy is such a pig.
+0 ...
written by BJ in Oregon, 10:57:53 am MST

written by MsGurl, 10:40:29 am MST What's the story with their father?

Sounds like the ex husband is just another loser. there was a thread with his picture on it a couple days ago.............below is from that thread
Yauk - the purported father of the two children of Drew Peterson's latest love interest - was taken into custody after failing to appear for a court date ordered as part of his guilty plea to a 2006 domestic battery.

The plea deal saw Yauk, 26, sentenced to 26 days in the county jail. He also was fined, ordered to attend domestic battery counseling and forbidden to make "offensive contact" with the victim of the battery, who happens to be 24-year-old Christina Raines, reportedly Peterson's fiancee. +0 ...
written by CritterFan, 11:05:22 am MST

As awful as drew looks this young girl might have a chance at becoming a widow instead of another victim. The bags around his eyes and puffiness portray a man that drinks too much and parties too hard. He must have to keep those young girls high to keep them interested.
+0 ...
written by BJ in Oregon, 11:09:34 am MST

This newest conquest of Drew's came from a marriage with an abusive husband. Drew can turn the charm on and the fact that he is financially secure helps him latch onto these young girls. He probably looks like a good catch.
+0 ...
written by Zenga, 11:22:57 am MST

A few chosen words for Mr. Drew Peterson:
Freakin' SLIME Bucket!
+1 ...
written by Shae, 11:25:00 am MST

What I don't get is what these women see in this man? I mean, ewe! He is not even attractive. I would hate to think I had to look at that every morning, ewe! I can't even imagine him being financially secure enough for me to even have dinner with him.
+0 ...
written by shyloh, 11:28:05 am MST

"All of which didn't happen," Peterson told "Nightline" in his first interview since his engagement. "But I will acknowledge that I would have concerns if I was the friends and family of this young girl.

UMMM no kidding. This guy is an idiot. Very disturbing!
+1 ...
written by Sway, 11:40:48 am MST

Shae ~ I couldn't agree with you more,...I wouldn't want dinner or anything else with this guy !...But I think BJ hit the nail on the head. Christina has been in an abusive relationship, seems insecure and a bit naive...she also has two children to raise. She found some stability and financial security with Drew probably cause he is saying everything she wants to hear and treats her decently for the first time in her life.....which is his sick way to subtlety control her at first.
BUT he makes my skin crawl just to look at him and if you ever saw his arrogance on TV... it would make you scream at Christina at the top of your lungs that she picked the WRONG GUY...I hope she wakes up before it is too late !
+0 ...
written by BJ in Oregon, 11:49:05 am MST

Have any of you known girls/women that hook up with with a scumbag and even admitted that he was a jerk to his previous love interests but blamed his abusive actions on the women he was with...............they didn't understand him but I DO and no one gave him what he needed to feel like a real man but I WILL and on and on and on......... This girl most likely thinks that she will be the one that will love him enough and he will love her ENOUGH to not repeat his past transgressions. She is the one that knows what was missing in his previous relationships and she will give him all of that and more......and it will be like Heaven
+0 ...
written by a guest, 12:05:07 pm MST

I believe GROSS is the appropriate word here.Here are a few others...MURDERER,IDIOT for both Peterson and his soon to be child bride,SCUM OF THE EARTH and hopefully soon PRISONER!

Talk about having your flesh crawl...If I where her mother...I can't wait for him to get his.
+0 ...
written by a guest, 12:08:45 pm MST

AND doesn't new girl have children? Boy can she pick would you like that for a step father?
+0 ...
written by a guest, 12:13:19 pm MST

This is off the topic but I just saw on Fox35 Casey has to be present in court friday.
+0 ...
written by randilynn, 12:13:53 pm MST

i have no doubt in my mind that drew peterson likes being married.. he has sure showed us that.. I think he just has a problem with divorces... so he kills them.. maybe someone can explain to him the problems with this theory...
+0 ...
written by DFS PFD, 1:10:46 pm MST

can you imagine your daughter dating him...? And if you tried to tell her your concerns and she would not listen.

I would die of worry.
+0 ...
written by DFS PFD, 1:11:48 pm MST

He reminds me of the LION on the Wizzard of OZ!
+0 ...
written by yourturnswife, 1:35:54 pm MST

I saw this new girls Father on T.V. the other day crying real tears begging her to come home. Peterson is psycho...
+0 ...
written by aquafina, 1:55:54 pm MST

He makes me sick, and that girl needs to be committed.
+0 ...
written by blackcat, 2:18:49 pm MST

This was the first crime case I followed through websites and blogs. I live near Bolingbrook, too, so it got huge coverage here. I think what we've learned about KC's psychological pathology as far as narcissism and sociopathy apply perfectly here. It was immediatley obvious that he had felt on grief or loss at her "disappearance." His arrogance, I believe, stems from his belief that he knows the legal system inside and out and he will never be charged. He enjoys a sick sort of celebrity status at singles bars in his area -- it's sick.
He's found that sweeping these young or vulnerable women off their feet with big romantic gestures and showering them with attention plays to their low self-esteem and dazzles them. Also, in Stacy's case, she wanted nothing more than a ready-made stable family because of the trauma and chaos she'd grown up with.
The lucky women who survived to divorce him or break off relationships, reported abusive and controlling behaviors as well as flaunting his police authority with threats that he could kill them and make it look like an accident. There are several questionable "suicides" from the past that have connections with Drew as well. For many years Bolingbrook was a little village and he was part of a very small and tight police department -- who knows what he got away with in the past? He is a sexual predator and a murderer.
+0 ...
written by BJ in Oregon, 2:21:24 pm MST

+0 ...
written by BJ in Oregon, 2:21:57 pm MST

Here you go DFS PFD

+0 ...
written by quailygurl, 2:52:37 pm MST

This man has a very public history. Are you telling me that this new nove interest doesn't know his history? She's apparently left an abusive man - why on Gods green earth would she hook up with another man whose been accused of killing two wives?
Then you take a look at her ex - he is no prize. She's 23? What? there aren't any fellows close to her age she could date? Something isn't right with this girl, uneducated? Mental defect? I dunno, but to shack up with a man with this much suspicion, and to bring your children into it, there's just gotta be something off about her.
+0 ...
written by Krystle_Ann, 2:54:17 pm MST

LOL BJ NICE it goes along with mine =p

+0 ...
written by charminglane, 3:25:38 pm MST

Thanks for ruining one of my favorite movies!
+0 ...
written by blackcat, 4:21:36 pm MST

I think it should be illegal for a parent to move minor children into a home owned by a person facing murder charges.
+0 ...
written by randilynn, 5:11:19 pm MST

written by blackcat, 4:21:36 pm MST

I think it should be illegal for a parent to move minor children into a home owned by a person facing murder charges.

amen blackcat... i think it is painfully obvious that these women cannot/will not protect their children.. SOMEONE needs to!
+0 ...
written by BJ in Oregon, 2:19:29 pm MST,2933,485905,00.html

Drew Peterson's Fiancee Moves Out After Father Issues Ultimatum

.......The couple has broken up. Peterson, 54, blames her father and the press.

"This is what the media always does to me," Armstrong quoted Peterson as saying. "As soon as the story got out on Chrissy, I knew it would be a problem for us."

Peterson admitted that his appearance on ABC's Nightline Thursday didn't help the situation.

In the segment, Peterson told the reporter, "I'd be wary of me too" when asked about Christina Raines' family and said that "when the romance is gone" in his relationships, he tends to have flings and move on.

The comments sparked a fight between the couple, Armstrong said. Christina Raines returned the engagement ring and a cell phone......... +0

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Recently Ruled- Casey Anthony Must Attend Hearings

Good, so now we get to see more of that hand shaking when she's swearing oath, hehe.

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - A judge has ruled that a Florida mother charged with killing her toddler must attend her pretrial hearings.

The Orlando judge ruled Thursday that Casey Anthony must be at all hearings except scheduling and trial status hearings. The next one is scheduled for Friday morning.

Her defense attorney had objected, citing the media frenzy it causes each time Casey Anthony is in a courtroom. The attorney says Anthony signed a form waiving the requirement that she be in court during the hearings.

The order came from Judge Stan Strickland who has taken a hard stance against the Casey Anthony. Anthony stands accused of murdering her two-year-old daughter Caylee Anthony, accusations that she has denied.

Besides the hand shaking, we'll get to see her do this face everytime she hears something she doesn't want to:
......Meanwhile, when is news of Caylee's funeral being announced? I guess it can wait longer at this point..?!

More Motion Sickness & Bozo's First Day@School (Teaching)

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's defense team and the Orange County Corrections Department filed a motion in the case against Casey Anthony late Wednesday night.

Casey's defense team is waiting for decisions on several of the new motions filed in the case. In the most recent motion (read motion), attorney Jose Baez is requesting all fingerprint-related evidence, any DNA reports that show Casey's former fiancee Jesse Grund was not Caylee's father, and materials regarding the decomposing hair found in Casey's trunk.

Also, the Orange County Corrections Department wants clarification about when Casey Anthony is required to attend court hearings (read Corrections' motion). The judge has ordered Casey to show up for all hearings (read judge's ruling), including one Friday morning, but Baez filed a motion (read motion) to keep her out of court.

Now, the Corrections Department is seeking clarification from the court on whether or not Casey has to attend all hearings and how the jail should handle it regarding notification and transportation.

Jose Baez is teaching a law school class at FAMU Law School in downtown Orlando. Baez taught his first class Wednesday night. He will teach a pre-trial practice workshop once a week.



Would a funeral inside the jail really bring justice for Caylee? Wednesday afternoon, the Orange County jail told Eyewitness News it will never happen.

Casey Anthony Picture Of the Day

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

On The Record With Greta- Mark Fuhrman & Texas EquuSearch Motion

I know this is from last night's episode, but it was never covered in a blog, although discussed in the threads, plus a new video involved Mark Furhman's suggestion of a new kind of evidence.. Mark knows what to go for, I trust and give him much respect after working on the Martha Moxley case. (She's from my hometown so it's close to heart.)

So, discuss:

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," January 27, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Now to Florida, where former LAPD homicide detective Mark Fuhrman is on the ground investigating the murder of Caylee Anthony. Mark has been talking to investigators and has some inside information about the case. One clue involves air freshener, and another involves garbage bags.

Mark joins us live from Orlando. Mark, can we start with air freshener? What is that clue?

MARK FUHRMAN, FORMER LAPD HOMICIDE DETECTIVE: Well, you know, it is interesting, Greta. When you read the documents that were released, you see "air freshener sheet."

I kind of thought I knew what that was, but I got confirmation that it's actually the fabric softener sheets that you put in the dryer with clothes, and the most predominant brand is Bounce air freshener.

Now, the interesting part about this is they were not used. In other words, when they come out of the dryer, they look all crumpled like a hanky. They were actually folded and flat, like they look come out of a box. And they were specifically used to try to overcome the smell in the trunk.

VAN SUSTEREN: Garbage bags is also one of the clues that you're tracking, because-why did you pick garbage bags? Is it because of how the remains were found?

FUHRMAN: Not only the remains were found in a certain garbage bag, but you want to know what size they come in.

There was different colored handles or tie wraps that were used in several places in the descriptions, not only when they were out at some of the possible scenes, but what Caylee Anthony was actually in, the bag that she was in, the tie straps, what was taken from the home.

So we went out there, and we found out that there are black bags, all of which-they have yellow, blue -- they have red. They have different -- packages have different colored handles for how many in that certain bag, different brands. But, by in large, the red ones belong to a certain brand, the blue ones belong to another, and the yellow belong to another. So we wanted to go out there and figure this out a little bit so we would know what we were dealing with.

VAN SUSTEREN: What about the forensic examinations, the tests done the entomologists, the bug people, the soil people, the botanists? Has that come back yet? Has that given any indication as to the strength of the prosecution's case about when that body was placed, or the remains, actually, in that area?

FUHRMAN: Well, Greta, when you talk about the vegetation, the two leaves that were found, the soil samples from the shovel in the trunk - we have been told that hasn't come back yet. It was not in the documents that were released. Our information is that it has not come back from the FBI lab yet.

Check out Greta's interview with Mark Fuhrman about a ham sandwich, arguably important in the case, involved with the trash from Casey's trunk. Mentions George Anthony...

Another motion was filed on Thursday, this time by attorney Mark NeJame. He is asking the court to toss out a request to have members of Texas EquuSearch appear as defense witnesses.
Texas EquuSearch Motion

Peterson Appeals Reopening of 3rd Wife's Estate

Opening Kathleen Savio's estate would make it possible to file wrongful-death suit against ex-Bolingbrook cop.

OTTAWA, Ill. - Attorneys for former Bolingbrook Police Sgt. Drew Peterson argued before an Appellate Court Tuesday that the estate of his third wife, Kathleen Savio, never should have been reopened despite a new autopsy that indicated her 2004 death was a homicide.

"The only way an estate can be opened is a newly discovered asset," Peterson's attorney, Joel Brodsky, told the 3rd District Illinois Appellate Court. "There is nothing new. All we have here is a change in opinion," he said, referring to the ruling on the November 2007 autopsy.

But Savio's attorneys argued that a wrongful-death action is considered a newly discovered asset. Last February, Will County State's Atty. James Glasgow announced that the new autopsy determined Savio had been murdered. Any pain and suffering she experienced during her death should be awarded to her estate, argued attorney Martin Glink.

Read the rest here..

OTTAWA - Drew Peterson's legal team argued to keep the family of his slain third wife out of her financial affairs, claiming a Will County judge goofed when she opened the woman's estate up to his former in-laws.

Peterson's attorneys made their case to a trio of appellate court judges in the state's third district court Tuesday. Lawyers for the family of his third wife, Kathleen Savio, countered that Will County Judge Carmen Goodman was correct not only in reopening the estate, but also in stripping Peterson's uncle James Carroll of his executor powers.

Peterson and Savio were in the midst of a contentious divorce when she turned up drowned in a dry bathtub in March 2004. In fact, Savio and Peterson were halfway through a highly unusual divorce proceeding in which the marriage was severed but the financial affairs had yet to be settled.

Within weeks of Savio's death, Peterson happened to find a will naming his uncle as the executor. The uncle went on to award Peterson control of virtually all of Savio's assets.

"In divorce court, they call that a 'lay down,'" said Lawrence Varsek, who was representing the Savio family with attorney Martin Glink.

"He let all the assets go to his nephew, for whatever reason," Varsek said.

Rest of THAT article here.

Casey Anthony Picture Of the Day

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Signals That Lee Will Be Criminally Charged

Tonight Nancy Grace discusses Lee's own attorney saying 'he's receiving signals that Lee will be criminally charged".

With evidence tamperment and/or obstruction of justice.

"Just trying to help", or was there something more to all of that investigating he was doing?

For tonights Nancy Grace Open Thread scroll down or click here.

My opinion: One possible link to the charges could be the possibility that Lee was the one on the phone with Dominic Casey on the video. Why? Because of his attorney Thomas Luka's shady answer when asked if it was Lee on the phone: "No, not that I know of. He denied ever talking to him." Very non-assuring, there, Mr. Attorney. =]

Will Private Jailhouse Funeral Fly?

Family plans to announce date for public funeral tomorrow.

WESH-Channel 2 offered a stunning development: George and Cindy Anthony hope to reunite with daughter Casey for a private funeral behind bars for toddler Caylee Marie.

"An unprecedented jailhouse funeral," WESH's Bob Kealing called it.

"We are trying to work with the jail," Brad Conway, attorney for George and Cindy Anthony, told WESH. "I know Mr. [Jose] Baez has put some time in to accomplishing that goal. Hopefully, we'll know by the end of the week whether that's possible." (Baez is the attorney for Casey Anthony.)

They shouldn't get their hopes up.

"It is highly unlikely any such request would be granted," a corrections spokesman said.

Conway said the family plans to announce a date for a public funeral tomorrow.

Then there are the dolls. Production has stopped on a Caylee Anthony doll, but three Casey voodoo dolls are for sale on the Internet, WESH reported. Can this case get stranger?

WOFL-Channel 35 reported that Baez has filed a motion asking the state attorney general to take over from prosecutors. The reason? Baez cited prosecutors' filing complaints anonymously against him with the Florida Bar.

My opinion: More bells and whistles from the defense. They're trying their "best" to try and make Casey appear like a grieving victim, when we all know what the real case is.

Bells and whistles, smoke and mirrors: Just like that new motion they've presented to try to throw the prosecution off the case over an "anonymous" call that most likely never happened, he's starting to really form into his client, now creating imaginary phone calls! They're going to try anything to make the trial end prematurely and for false/innocent looking reasons.


Judge Orders Casey Anthony To Appear In Court

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony tried to waive her right to appear at a court hearing Friday, but a judge ordered her to be there.

Anthony and her attorneys filed the written waiver, but Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland on Tuesday declined to grant it. He cited the possibility of "future problems."

Anthony had not attended any court hearings since her arrest until earlier this month, when prosecutors raised the issue. The concern is Anthony could use the fact that she wasn't in court as a reason to seek an appeal, if she is convicted.

Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in connection with the death of her daughter, Caylee Marie, whose remains were found last month in east Orange County. Anthony reported Caylee missing in July, when the toddler was 2 years old.

The hearing in Orlando on Friday is to consider several motions, including a defense motion seeking sanctions against the state over access to evidence.

Tune into WESH 2 news starting at 4 p.m. for updates on this and other Casey Anthony stories.

Also, on Friday, plans to show the hearing live on the Web.

In other news, Casey Anthony's father, George, will remain in the hospital for another day in the wake of a suicide attempt. And a Jacksonville company has dropped plans to sell a doll it says was inspired by Caylee.

Monday, January 26, 2009

More Defense Motions, What A "Shocker".

A new witness list has been filed by the prosecution in the case against Casey Anthony.

Anthony is charged with the murder of her daughter, Caylee Anthony. Caylee was 2 when she was reported missing in July.

The state filed the witness list Monday morning. It included the names of more than 140 potential witnesses, including Zenaida Gonzalez and several members of Anthony's extended family.

Meanwhile, Anthony's defense attorney, Jose Baez, filed new court documents Monday morning. The documents asked for unspecified sanctions against the state for failing to furnish the defense team with evidence from two experts in the case.
See Motion here.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blago Hires Drew Peterson's PR Firm for Media Blitz

After comparing his plight to the unfair persecution of rogue cowboys, Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is rounding up the horses for a media blitz that'll include TV appearances Monday on CNN's "Larry King Live," and ABC's "The View " and "Good Morning, America."

Helping Blagojevich circle the wagons is the Tampa-based Publicity Agency, which is the same public relations firm that represents Drew Peterson, the former suburban Chicago police office who is a suspect in his wife's disappearance.

Blagojevich's impeachment trial in the state Senate is also set to start Monday, though the governor has said he won't show up or mount a defense, complaining the trial rules are unfair.

"The governor has decided that he wants to speak and tell his side of the story, and he enlisted us to help," Glenn Selig, the PR firm's founder, said on Saturday.

Blagojevich has given several interviews in the last few days, portraying himself as the victim of vengeful lawmakers and special interests.

And on Friday, he held yet another fiery and often rambling news conference to say the state Senate is trampling on his constitutional rights, "hanging" him before he can get a fair trial. Those comments came a day after he compared his arrest last month to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Shortly after the news conference Friday -- and perhaps because of it -- Blagojevich's attorney, Ed Genson, suggested the governor was out of control and wouldn't listen to him. Genson is withdrawing from the case.

Blagojevich is accused of trying to sell President Obama's former U.S. Senate seat to the highest bidder and engaging in other pay-to-play schemes. He has pledged his innocence, saying fellow Democrats want him out of office so they can thwart his good work as governor.

But Blagojevich has been careful not to answer questions in recent days about specific federal allegations. Selig said the governor would still have plenty to say.

"He has some very strong opinions about what's going on in the (Illinois) Senate and how he's been treated," he said. "And he wants to get that message out."

Selig said that his agency will be responsible for dealing with the media on personal matters related to Blagojevich -- not with issues directly related to Illinois state business.

It remains to be seen whether hiring Publicity Agency will pay off for Blagojevich. Peterson, with the firm's help, embraced the media spotlight last year despite the disappearance of his wife, Stacy Peterson, whom Peterson claims left him for another man. He has not been charged in her disappearance.

Selig said there's nothing to link Peterson and Blagojevich other than their high profiles.

"They are totally different cases," Selig said. "They each offer their own challenges for the individuals. The only thing they have in common is they are both big stories in the news."

Kait Fell Asleep

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Some Favorite Movies Told By Stills

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas

Detroit Rock City

Grosse Pointe Blank

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

High Fidelity



Back To School

No Country For Old Men

The Promotion


The Toxic Avenger

Pulp Fiction

Return of the Living Dead

Pretty in Pink

Pet Semetary

Office Space

Short Circuit

Nightmare On Elm Street




Dumb & Dumber

Friday, January 23, 2009

Man with Peterson Ties Jailed

First the mother of your children moves in with a man whose last wife is missing and the one before that murdered, then you get arrested and locked up for the next 50 days.
Suffice to say, it has been a tough couple weeks for Sohka Yauk.

Yauk - the purported father of the two children of Drew Peterson's latest love interest - was taken into custody after failing to appear for a court date ordered as part of his guilty plea to a 2006 domestic battery.

The plea deal saw Yauk, 26, sentenced to 26 days in the county jail. He also was fined, ordered to attend domestic battery counseling and forbidden to make "offensive contact" with the victim of the battery, who happens to be 24-year-old Christina Raines, reportedly Peterson's fiancee.
No proof of paternity

Raines and her two children moved in with Peterson and four of his six children about a week and a half ago. On Jan. 17, Yauk called Bolingbrook police and told them he wanted to see the two children, ages 4 and 5, saying they were his and that he had visitation rights, said Lt. Ken Teppel, the department spokesman.

Since Yauk had no visitation order or proof of paternity, police took no action, Teppel said.
There was nothing for the Bolingbrook police to do about the matter last week, but the county police got busy with Yauk after he missed his court date Thursday. It was not the first one he had failed to appear for, said Charles B. Pelkie, spokesman for the state's attorney's office. Yauk did show up later in the day with an excuse for his absence.
The judge was not buying it, and Yauk was hauled off to jail. He was sentenced to 140 days in jail, but with time previously served and day-for-day credit, he should be out in about 50 days.
Peterson's partners.. Rest of article here.

George Anthony Suicide Attempt


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Grand Jury Resumes Inquiry Into Drew's Former Wives

The Will County grand jury investigating t murder of Drew Peterson's third wife and the disappearance of his fourth reconvened Thursday, with his former divorce lawyer and a former employee summoned to testify.

The grand jury was impaneled more than a year ago and last met in November. Appearing before it Thursday were attorney Alexander Beck, who represented Peterson in his divorce from third wife Kathleen Savio, and Charlie Doman, Savio's nephew, who worked in a Montgomery bar Peterson owned as a maintenance man and disc jockey.

Doman and his attorney, Tamara Holder, declined to comment on what transpired during his grand jury appearance. Beck referred questions to his attorney, Matthew Bertani.

"Mr. Beck respects the sanctity of the grand jury and the gravity of these proceedings," Bertani said. "He will not comment on them publicly."

Beck apparently could not say much to the grand jury either.

"He will not and cannot, according to the (Illinois) Supreme Court rules, reveal a ny confidence s arising out of his representation of Mr. Peterson many years ago," Bertani said.

Peterson and Savio were in the midst of a contentious divorce when she was found dead in her bathtub in March 2004. Illinois State Police found no sign of foul play during their investigation of Savio's death, which originally was ruled accidental.

But when Peterson's next wife, Stacy, vanished in October 2007, the investigation into Savio's death was reopened and reclassified as a homicide. It remains under investigation.

State police also are trying to determine what happened to Stacy Peterson. They have labeled her disappearance a "potential homicide" and named Drew Peterson as the sole suspect.

Peterson, 54, a former Bolingbrook police sergeant who's now living with a 24-year-old mother of two in his Bolingbrook house, has denied involvement in either incident. He said Thursday that he has nothing to worry about regarding Beck or Doman testifying "unless they're making something up, which is always my big fear."

Charles Pelkie, spokesman for the state's attorney's office, said the grand jury's hiatus "by no means indicates a lack of activity" in the investigations.

"Things are moving forward. Things are full steam right now, and they have been for several months," he said.

Grand Jury Resumes With Two Witnesses

Charles Doman, with Anna Maria Domain, Greta Van Susteren

JOLIET - The parade of witnesses before the grand jury investigating the murder of Drew Peterson's third wife and the disappearance of his fourth resumed Thursday with his former divorce lawyer and an old in-law summoned to testify.

The grand jury, which convened more than a year ago, last met since before Thanksgiving. On its first day back in action, Alexander Beck, who represented Peterson in his unresolved divorce from slain third wife Kathleen Savio, was called. So was Charlie Doman, Savio's nephew and a former employee of Peterson.
Doman worked in Suds Pub, a Montgomery bar Peterson had owned, as a maintenance man and disc jockey.
Doman and his attorney, Tamara Holder, declined to comment on what transpired during his grand jury appearance. Beck referred questions to his attorney, Matthew Bertani.
"Mr. Beck respects the sanctity of the grand jury and the gravity of these proceedings," Bertani said. "He will not comment on them publicly."
Beck apparently could not say much to the grand jury either.
"He will not, and cannot, according to the Supreme Court rules, reveal any confidences arising out of his representation of Mr. Peterson many years ago," Bertani said.
Still investigating
While the grand jury proceedings have been dormant for weeks, the investigations of Savio's death and Stacy's disappearance have been anything but, said Charles B. Pelkie, a spokesman for the state's attorney's office.
"This by no means indicates a lack of activity in the case," Pelkie said.
"Things are moving forward. Things are full-steam right now and they have been for several months."
Rest of article here..

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Documents Released Part II

For all the released documents as they are coming out you can find them in the previous thread or by clicking here.

This thread is open for discussion on the documents as the last thread is getting rather bogged down with comments.

Some things we can now gather from the newly released documents:

Found at the crime scene:

a knife
flowered pull-ups
winnie the pooh blanket
bones in a laundry bag which was placed inside of a garbage bag
duct tape around head; [1] heart shaped sticker over duct tape and [1] other heart shaped sticker found in/around the bag
bag was found in front of skull
skull had duct tape around it, ends stuck to hair. (this is how the duct tape had stayed on through conditions)
[1] heart shaped sticker placed over duct tape, [1] heart shaped sticker found in/around the bag

Things on search warrant from December 11th:

garbage bags
garbage bag containers
adhesive tapes to include duct tape
packaging material used for same
chemical components that may be used to make chloroform
receipts for purchases of the same
containers that may be used to mix chemicals
baby medication
vacuum cleaner(s) to include wet-vac's
all photos and photo albums
videos or CD's containing photos
storage device(s) used to capture digital images
disposable cameras and/or film
small cloth type lettering similar to ones found with the body
any "Winnie the Pooh" clothing, towels, blankets or similar cloth items
diapers and pull up pants
all tooth and hair brushes
cell phone(s), and computer systems or related media(media = hard drives, floppies, CD's, Zip drives, etc.) that may be on said property
Things recovered/examined in documents:

Inspection of Tony L.'s Jeep (what about his pick-up truck?)
Undisclosed (but tested negative for blood) stains found on a few articles of Casey's clothing
A "VIP Very Important Princess" female-child hat of Caylee's, dirty with an apparent dry-leaf attached
Dry leaf sample taken from a spot underneath wheel well.
(working on this list as we speak.)

Documents Show Caylee Anthony Was Left in Laundry Bag, Had Duct Tape Around Mouth

Newly-released documents in the murder of Florida child Caylee Anthony show that she was placed in a laundry hamper bag and had silver duct tape around her mouth.

The documents, made public Wednesday, include reports from police and crime scene investigators, FBI crime lab reports and transcripts of 911 calls placed by the meter reader who found the girl's remains, according to

They were among 311 pages of discovery released, after having been turned over to the defense team for Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, who is charged with killing the toddler, according to

The evidence shows that the child's body was placed in a laundry bag that was sealed in a plastic garbage bag before it was left behind in the woods. The tape around Caylee's mouth had a heart-shaped sticker on it, and there was also duct tape attached to her head, the station reported.
Click here for photos.
• Click here to see the documents.