Saturday, March 14, 2009

Just A Little Something I Need To Say..

I'm so sick of doing information searches on Casey Anthony via google and finding pages of dumb pubescents who find it in their best interest to drool over how "hot" Casey Anthony is. She's a baby murderer. Her own baby. She's sick.

They're just as fucking sick to sit there and publicly express her attractiveness and how they want it- as if it overrides her evil and immoral charecter.. And it's SICKENING for people who have an actual heart and mind to read such nonsense!! I want to sit them down and lecture to them for HOURS just how sick Casey is as a person and let them suffer for even mentioning her attractiveness!! I'll rant on and on and on, I really obviously don't care, haha.

A woman "excelling" in the basic female physical turn-ons shouldn't justify their inner evil and sick personality and inner-self. But I guess in this case it does.
Look at that baby. Casey killed her. That hot to you?
I hope that these stupid boys that post crap like that get a real good dose of negative karma..

And as for Casey, I wish I could throw acid in her face and give her half the torture Caylee had, scarring her nasty little face- while letting those assholes take back their idea of "hot".

..I apologize for the vulgarities.

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