A van driven by Amy Solomon was pulled over for a license tag violation Tuesday evening in the 1600 block of 21st Street East. by two Manatee deputies. Her two children, ages 3 and 4, were with her.
Solomon initially said her name was Cassandra Miller, according to the officers.
As one of the deputies wrote a warning for the tag, the other asked for permission to search the van. Solomon and her two children got out of the vehicle.
The deputy then found a piece of crack cocaine on the floor between the two front seats.
As Soloman was being placed under arrest, one of the officers took the children back to the van. He then saw Solomon fighting with the other deputy. She was told to stop or she would be Tasered.
When they saw the commotion, the two children ran from the van toward their mother. They were taken back to the van when they refused to return on their on.
At that point, deputies say, Solomon kicked the deputy who was trying to arrest her. He then Tasered her twice before she became compliant.
Once inside the squad car, she gave her real name. Her license came back as suspended.
Solomon is being held in the Manatee County Jail without bond. She faces a hearing Wednesday on charges of child neglect, drug charges and resisting arrest with violence.
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