I'm getting very frustrated with the fact that any "updates" on Haleigh's case seem to be revolving around petty drama.. But this may say something for suspicion on the part of Ronald:
[from crimesearchersonline.com:]
"Putnam County detectives are investigating missing Haleigh Cummings father, Ronald Cummings for aledgely supplying prescription drugs to his father-in-law, Hank Thomas Croslin. Hank told deputies at the Putnam Communty Medical Center that "Ronald Cummings was trying to kill" him.
The 40 year old man admits he abused his own prescription drugs. He claims he did not abuse the pills "Ronald pulled" out of his "pocket" to give Hank "one." He said he only asked for medication "when he needs them or when he hurts." (Yeah, hurts from withdrawls? )
In the report obtained by Action News, Hank told officers the pill (xanax) supplied by Cummings "made him very ill" and that "he was in a coma for four days" and Hank believes "Ronald provided the pill to him with the intent to harm him."
Ronald Cummings attorney, Jerry Snider said yesterday that Hank told him he was hospitalized for abusing drugs and also how he does not believe Cummings intended to "hurt" him.
If the family members and friends of Haleigh Cummings could stop taking drugs for a week maybe we'd hear the truth and with some luck what happen to the little girl? "
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