Thursday, March 5, 2009

Austria's Dungeon Dad Says Daughter's Glue Sniffing Led to Imprisonment

I remember first seeing this case a while ago originally there, on, and read this tonight:

"Y'all remember the sick story of Austria's Josef Fritzl from last year? You know, that guy who raped his daughter up to three times a day, fathered her babies and kept her locked in a dungeon for 24 years?

Well, some of the sick fuck's 'reasons' for doing what he did has come to light.

Apparently, notes from his psych evaluation sessions have leaked. Fritzel told the doctor, "She had been sniffing cleaning fluids and I decided I should talk with her in my cellar. Because in the coming days she showed no improvement in her attitude, I decided to keep her locked up."
There was no better way to get her help????
The man is seriously disturbed! "

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