Sunday, March 1, 2009

Casey's Team Fighting to Hide "Embarassing" Pictures

Casey Anthony's defense lawyer asked a judge Thursday to block release of personal photos he says could embarrass the 22-year-old murder suspect.

Attorney Jose Baez filed the request to keep the pictures from being released with other evidence to reporters. Calling the images irrelevant to the case, he proposed that prosecutors release only those photos they intend to use at trial and
keep the remainder under wraps.

Casey Anthony is charged with killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie, whose remains were found near her family's home in December.The request comes after the defense team received two computer discs from the state that contained hundreds of pictures from Anthony's account on, an online photo-sharing Web site.

Under Florida's public record laws, the media is entitled to the information unless a judge intervenes. Baez did not describe the photos, but images that could be viewed on last fall included dozens of pictures of Anthony partying and drinking with her friends. --->

"The images on the Photobucket Website were created over a year before her daughter Caylee Anthony went missing in June 2008," Baez's spokeswoman, Marti Mackenzie, said in an e-mail.

"These images are irrelevant to her case. If they were to be disseminated, they will only sensationalize the life of a young woman and may be used to attempt to paint her in a negative light."

On Monday, Judge Stan Strickland ruled to delay the release of a video showing Casey Anthony's reaction to the news that a body was found near her East Orlando home.

Anthony's defense attorney, Jose Baez, challenged the release of Anthony's videotaped reaction. He said the tape should not be made public. Strickland called for Baez to view the tape himself.

The motion claimed the videotape violates Anthony's right to an attorney and will make it harder to find a fair jury for her trial on a first-degree murder charge.

Baez said the videotape violates Anthony's patient and medical privacy rights, since it was taped in the Orange County Jail's medical clinic. - PDF: Anthony Motion About Jail Videotape -

During the hearing, Strickland announced that Anthony's trial is tentatively set to begin on Oct. 12.

Baez also challenged the release of hundreds of photos, which he said prosecutors are using to embarrass and harass Anthony. Strickland later ruled to allow the release of the photos.

The motion from Baez was heard beginning at 4 p.m Monday.

Baez said in a motion that the photos were on, a photo-sharing site that contained many images of Anthony partying. -PDF: Read The Motion-

He said the photos are irrelevant to the case and will paint Anthony in a negative light. In his motion, Baez includes a photo of a "Casey Anthony doll," which is similar to a photo showing Anthony wearing an American flag at a party.


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