Thursday, April 23, 2009

Good Interviewing Notes

From my Interviewing and Communication Skills (entry level human services) class:

Psychological Attending: Challenge to be there 100% for your client - understand the story

Remember SOLER:
Sit squarely
Open posture
Lean forward
Eye contact

Clinical listening: Paying attention to all of what the client's saying.
Non-verbal communication: The way you're sitting, listening. Mutual body language between the client and yourself.
Appearances: Dress appropriately, simple.
Body posture: Can tell mood of client by the way they sit- and vice versa (keep in mind gestures)
Facial Expressions, eye contact: Keep in mind how you YOURSELF react to what the client is telling you.

Behaviors: Everyone has reason for behaviors..
Feelings or affect: Are the client's feeligns coming across as they should? Does it agree with the context of their story or situation?
Context: Client's current circumstances, history, etc. relate client's situation to how behaving-->ex: Alzheimer's disease could be reason for client's depression (depression is a symptom of Alz. disease) -- Could me a medical or other psych. reason for original problem.

Meaning: How do the clients understand how everything has evolved?

Themes: Look for them. Like a puzzle, the theme is the complete picture of the puzzle you're piecing together.

Listening to the relationship: Show that you're not going to judge.
Supportive presence: Warmth and caring- clinicians genuinely care about clients & well being.

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