Friday, June 12, 2009

1000 New Pages of Discovery Released in Casey Anthony Murder Case

ORLANDO, Fla. — Investigators released 1,000 new pages of discovery in the Casey Anthony murder case Friday, including documents about her employment history and court papers from a civil case brought by a woman with the same name as a baby sitter Anthony accused of kidnapping her daughter.

Copies of depositions taken by lawyers for Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez — who sued Anthony for defamation for saying she abducted 2-year-old Caylee — as well as interviews with Anthony's parents and brother are among the documents made public Friday.

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Also released are employment history papers from Universal Studios, where Anthony claims to have worked as an event planner, and a transcript of an interview with a woman who says she has photos of the area where Caylee's body was found six months after she vanished last June.

Anthony has pleaded not guilty to her daughter's murder. Her trial is scheduled to open in October. Prosecutors say they intend to seek the death penalty.

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